Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here's some random pictures....

I really don't think anyone reads this but.... yeah. Here's some random pictures because the last time I posted was November 20th. Hmm.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oregon Flags Slideshow

So this one is not the most recent one, but I posted it so you guys could see it even though it isn't the better one. This one isn't as good as my recent one.... I just can't get my favorite one to post on YouTube because it was made on Windows Movie Maker and YouTube won't convert it!!! Oh well, I'll keep trying. Until then, here is the first one I made of our trip.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sorry :)

Sorry the video didn't work I'll fix it and repost...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

something about those riverview pics....

At the end, the picture of us doing flags is not from the street fair, its from the church picnic... it was the only picture I had of us doing flags :)

Hey Look! I got around to it! Riverview pictures!

Riverview this year was the most AMAZING worship experience! It was a blast! Here's some pictures... it makes me want to be there... sniffle :'(

This year we did the low ropes course. But we had two girls cabins and we wanted to do it all together, plus we arrived there 15 minutes late because we were trying to get everyone through the vertical playground, so we ended up doing just one element- the wall.

And we did it! :) It was so much fun!

I love Riverview :)

This year I was too lazy to haul my camera around everywhere I went like I did last year, so I don't have too many pictures :(
But here's some from the way back.

She has eyes in the back of her head! lol

Then, the impact of the week hit...

But we made it home, just to go do flags at the street fair in the blazing sun :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I am going to post something.

Look! I posted something!!!!!

I feel like I'm not posting things very fast (which I'm not) but it doesn't really matter if I post anything for the next ten years cuz no one's reading this anyway.